A sharp-eyed shop clerk spotted the fake.───一名眼尖的售货员发现了假货。
He tried to fake sincerity as he smiled at them.───当他朝他们笑的时候,他设法假装真诚。
No one spotted that the gun was a fake.───没有人留意到那是一支假枪。
He said the suspected bomber has not been identified, but was carrying a fake driver's license from the U. S. state of Michigan.───他表示,还没有确认袭击者的身份,但此人携带伪造的美国密西根州的驾驶执照。
Back in the attorney-client visitation room, Lincoln is livid that evidence of a fake phone call isn't enough for a stay of execution.───在律师会客室,由于一个谎报的电话并不足以作为证据而延迟执行死刑的时间,Lincoln极为恼火。
As if fake sick notes and illegal gambling weren't enough, Chinese fans are calling for the national men's team to be dismissed.───除了伪造病假条和非法赌球之外,中国球迷还呼吁解散中国男足。