We are on the left
We can dress as we wish now.───我们如今想穿什么就可以穿什么。
If we have to litigate, we will.───如果我们必须提起诉讼的话,我们会的。
We often underplay the skills we have.───我们常对自己拥有的技能轻描淡写。
If the only criterion for software was to get the right answer, we would not need architectures.───如果评判软件的唯一标准是正确,那么就不需要体系结构。
''As we approach Remembrance Day it is hard to believe that 40 per cent of our children do not know when it is.───在我们渐渐临近荣军纪念日的时候,很难相信,我们的孩子里有百分之四十的人不知道纪念日是哪一天。
'We have to do everything to minimize the efforts of our opponents to delegitimize these elections, ' he said.───他说,我们要竭尽所能把反对派试图令选举失去合法性的努力降到最小。
We saw the film and afterwards walked home together.
We must be consistent in applying the rules.
Once on shore, we pray no more.
The fear of ill exceeds the ills we fear.
We are not born for ourselves.