We are on the farm
All local farmers protested against building the new airport on their farm land.───当地农民抗议在他们的农田上建新飞机场.
The farm was keyed to the needs of the local people.───农场按当地人的需要作了调整.
The council conducted a survey of the uses to which farm buildings are put.───地方议会对农场建筑的使用情况进行了一次调查。
He hired out as a farm worker.───他外出当农工.
The farm has been rented to Mr. Jackson.───这个农场租给杰克逊先生了.
He has twenty head of cattle on the farm.───他在农场养了20头牛.
His father ran a farm in Northwestern United States.───他父亲在美国西北部经营一个农场.
I came to live at the farm by happenstance.───我来到该农场住下纯属偶然。
The farm lies too much out of the way.
He that will have his farm full, must keep an old cock and a young bull.
It reckons that rationing would ossify the farm industry.
Joe had worked on the farm all his life.
She lives on the next farm.