Be able to
Can you put words to his music?───你能给他的曲子填词 吗 ?
I am sure you can fit me in somewhere.───我相信你能找个地方安排我.
As opinions vary, no unanimous conclusion can be drawn.───众说纷纭, 莫衷一是.
Tell me her address so that I can go and see her.───把她的地址告诉我,我好找她.
He can make ordinary things sound interesting.───他能把极平常的事儿说得很动听.
Figure the situation to yourself, what can I do?───你设身处地想想, 我能做什么?
You can sing your cares away!───你可用唱歌解忧消愁!
The area can easily be worked out if you know the length and the breadth.───如果你知道长度与宽度,面积很容易计算出来.