The temple, Liugong has the responsibility to lead the country, there are mother-world obligations.───对后宫而言,有统领六宫的责任,对国家而言,有母仪天下的义务。
of success in exports has been based on overseas manufacturing started Liugong stage.───在产品出口已经小有成就的基础上,柳工开始了海外制造的阶段。
Liugong strategy for overseas, the current total sales from overseas business accounted for Liugong 12% to 13%.───柳工海外战略来说,目前海外业务占柳工总销售额的12%至13%。
Liugong (pronounced lu-GONG) exports equipment to most parts of the globe, with a particular emphasis in Latin America and Southeast Asia.───广西柳工生产的设备已出口至世界大部分地区,其中尤以拉美和东南亚为重。
Jim Donoghue, chairman of Liugong's U. S. subsidiary, says the company is investing in better painting methods at all its plants.───广西柳工美国子公司的董事长唐纳休(JimDonoghue)说,该公司正投入资金来改进其所有工厂的喷涂工艺。
Liugong executives say they hope to persuade customers that the company can deliver high quality at low prices.───广西柳工的管理人士说,他们希望用该公司能够以低价提供高质量产品的承诺打动客户。
Fahs Construction Group of Binghamton, N.Y., recently rented a Liugong excavator. 'Our guys said it's very powerful, ' Fahs operating chief Rich Gangemi says, but they also found it 'kind of jerky.'