We interviewed each individual member of the community.───我们采访了社区中的每个成员。
It's the business of the individual to determine his own attitude towards religion.───对宗教持何种态度是个人的事情。
An individual is only a tiny grain in the vast sea; it is the masses of people that are the boundless ocean.───个人只是沧海的一粟, 人民群众才是无垠的大海.
Because it is carried by a dominant gene, an affected individual can expect about half of his or her children to inherit the illness.───因为它是由显性基因携带,所以感染者的孩子会有约50%的可能性遗传该疾病。
Subscriptions are cheaper for individual members.───个人会员的订阅费要便宜些.
Individual membership costs £13 (£7 unwaged).───个人会员费13英镑(无工作者7英镑)。
The services are attractively priced and are tailored to suit individual requirements.───服务费价格诱人且内容按个人需求量身定制。
Some individual investors exulted at the record.───一些个人投资者为这一记录欢呼雀跃。