It's time to go to school
I shall overlook your disobedience this time.───这次,我不计较你不服从.
I met him many a time in the bus.───我在公共汽车上见过他多次.
Time dragged terribly.───时间过得真慢。
What time is it now?───现在几点了?
This time he wasn't fooling; he meant business.───这次他可不是闹着玩的, 他说到做到.
We're wasting valuable time, time we can ill afford.───我们是在浪费宝贵的时间,我们浪费不起的时间。
The inscription of the monument has worn away over a long period of time.───年深月久,碑文已经磨灭了.
A wide promenade allows many people to walk at the same time.───宽阔的人行道可容许多人同时行走.