Inspection is cordially invited.───恳请莅临视察.
There is nothing secretive about the Ombusman's work, for his correspondence is open to public inspection.───司法专员的工作没有什么遮遮掩掩的, 因为他的信件是可以由公众检查的.
The business entity may refuse inspection by a labor inspector without and identification card.───事业单位对未持劳动检查证者,得拒绝检查.
From a distance, the birds appear mainly green in colour. However, closer inspection reveals that their chests are banded with yellow.───从远处看,这些鸟主要是绿色的。但是,近距离仔细看,就会发现它们的胸部带有黄色条纹。
Where any commodity has been altered in its characteristics for which inspection is required.───六其他应受检验事项有变更情事者.
Officers making a routine inspection of the vessel found fifty kilograms of the drug.───对船只进行例行检查的警官发现了50千克的毒品。
On random inspection the meat was found to be bad.───经抽查,发现肉变质了.
Engineers carried out a thorough inspection of the track.───工程师对轨道进行了彻底检查。