The Chancellor is on record as saying that the increase in unemployment is "a price worth paying" to keep inflation down.───财政大臣公开宣称失业率上升是遏制通货膨胀“值得付出的代价”。
The country is pulling out of inflation.───这个国家正在摆脱通货膨胀的局面.
Inflation at nine point four percent is the worst for eight years.───9.4%的通货膨胀率是8年来最糟的。
Inflation was running at 26%.───通货膨胀达到了26%。
Today's RPI figure shows inflation running at 10.9 per cent.───今天的零售物价指数显示通货膨胀率为10.9%。
They have found a way to insulate themselves against the cost of inflation.───他们找到了使自己免受通货膨胀影响的办法.
I don't think there's any reason to get excited about inflation.───我认为大可不必为通货膨胀而心烦。
Inflation is in double figures.───通货膨胀率达两位数。