If you are cold
It's getting cold. We'd better start wearing our padded jackets.───天冷了, 棉衣该上身了.
One can taste nothing when one has a cold.───人在感冒时吃东西没味道.
Do not leave off your overcoat; it is cold.───不要把你的大衣脱下, 天气很冷.
These plants cannot survive in very cold conditions.───这些植物在严寒中不能存活.
Classical music leaves me absolutely cold, but I love rock.───古典音乐一点也引不起我的兴趣, 我喜欢搖滾乐.
Flush out the pipes with cold water after adding the cleaning powder.───往这管子里放些去污粉后,灌进冷水进行冲洗.
I like cold weather.───我喜欢寒冷的天气。
This liquid gels faster in cold weather.───这种液体天冷时凝结得快些.
I'm cold. Turn the heating up.
I'm so cold I can't move my fingers.
I gasped as I jumped into the cold river.
A scalded dog thinks cold water hot.
She emerged from the sea, blue with cold.