Don't pull your illustrious past on me.───别把你那辉煌的过去灌输给我啦.
He studied painting under illustrious masters.───他在著名大师的指导下学画.
The aged and illustrious man had done what the poor boy had refused to do.───这位年迈的、显赫的人物此刻做了这个穷孩子不肯做的事.
Christopher Columbus , Genoa's most illustrious son , would be a customer.───热那亚最杰出的后裔克里斯托弗?哥伦布( ChristopherColumbus )也是其客户.
Boxing ranks among the Olympic Games'most illustrious orts.───拳击比赛是奥运会中最杰出的运动项目.
The illustrious Cuvier did not perceive that a barnacle was a crustacean.───大名鼎鼎的居维叶也未看出藤壶是一种甲壳动物.
The passing of the competitive examinations was the prerequisite to an illustrious career in officialdom.───在封建时代的中国,在竞争激烈的考试中名列前茅,是日后官运亨通的必要条件.
He enjoyed a long and illustrious career as a radio producer.───他作为电台节目制作人的生涯漫长而辉煌.
He enjoyed a long and illustrious career as a radio producer.