i was putting on my clothes upside down
Because the aging process is slow and gradual, so is the reversal of most aging factors.───由于老龄化进程缓慢,渐进的, 因此是最逆转老化的因素.
The complete reversal of this policy was unheralded.───事先没有听到一点儿风声要彻底推翻这项政策。
They say evidence shows the last reversal occurred about 700,000 years ago.───他们说最后一次磁极翻转的证据是出现在大约700,000年以前.
The reversal of any entropychanging transformation would be neither reasonable nor possible.───熵的任何反向变化都是不合理的也是不可能的.
The policy reversal as shortages spread the capital, which is usually the country's periodic supply crunches.───政府政策出现逆转,是因为短缺问题已经蔓延到了首都北京.通常情况下, 北京不会受到中国每隔一段时间会发生的供应短缺影响.
The paper says the move represents a complete reversal of previous U.S. policy.───报上说这一举动反映了之前美国政策的彻底逆转。
She confusedly realised this reversal of her attitudes, but could not make out what it portended.───她糊里糊涂的意识到自己这种相反的态度, 但是不知道它会带来什么.
Your way of doing things at the moment seems to be a reversal of the order of host and guest.───你现在的作法似乎是喧宾夺主.