I heard the ship
A few days before his wife's death, Gus's father, a seaman with Gulf Oil, had been killed when his oil tanker collided with a ship.───就在妻子去世前几天,格斯在海湾石油公司当海员的父亲因油轮跟轮船相撞丧生。
After capturing the ship however legends began to surface about where Kidd had hidden his treasure as depicted in this illustration.───然而,掠夺这艘船后,一个传奇又开始浮出水面,那就是如这插图中所描绘的一样,他的财富到底藏在哪了。
Jack: It's a fine goal, to be sure. But it seems to me that a ship like that makes this one here a bit superfluous, really.───杰克:确实应该这样,但我觉得……那一艘漂亮的船让这艘船显得有些多余了。