Helium is a gas used in balloons.───氦是一种用于气球的气体。
Hydrogen might be depleted with some of it turning into helium.───氢可能被耗尽,一部分变为氦.
The discovery also explains why helium is found in radioactive mineral deposits.───这个发现也解释了为什么在放射性矿渣中找到了氦.
Alpha particles are positively charged helium nuclei obtained from natural radioactive decay.───α粒子是从天然放射性蜕变得到的带正电的氦核.
After hydrogen, the atom with the simplest structure is that of helium.───在氢元素之后, 氦的原子结构最简单.
Helium is a very light gas.───氦是一种非常轻的气体。
A fountain of helium spurt out of the tube.───有一股氦的喷泉从小管中喷出.
Helium and neon measurements provide further evidence that the earth was not completely melted.───氦和氖的测定,提供了更多的关于地球并非全部熔融的证据.
He inflated the balloons with helium.