head off danger
解危───head off danger
He handles affairs neatly, maturely, and always plays to the score at critical moment to head off danger.───他做事历练稳重,总能在危机关头随机应变,化险为夷。
In more cases, they rely on themselves-their strength, intelligence and team spirit to head off all the danger.───在更多的情况下,他们还是依靠自己的力量和智慧,开动脑筋、团结一致,度过了重重难关。
She temporarily head off the danger and went back to her house. It seemed that different length of her feet she felt high and low in turn when walking in the way home.───在中酒附近把她放下,她暂时化险为夷,迷迷登登地回住处去了,一路上只感觉自己两只脚的长度好像不一样,走起路来高一脚低一脚的。