Has nothing to do with
But that's not an irrelevant or inappropriate behavior.───但这并不是无关或不恰当的行为。
of nit-picking was going on about irrelevant things.───对不相干的事情一直大肆吹毛求疵。
Please describe how modern life has made chronobiology largely irrelevant.───请描述一下现代生活是如何使时间生物学在很大程度上变得无关紧要的。
As long as Barack Obama is president, the composition of any new White House economic team may be largely irrelevant.───只要奥巴马还在总统的位置上待着,白宫任何新的经济团队的组成也许从很大程度上来说都不怎么相干。
Thus, the widespread criticism of the Bank's stinginess in its approach to the market is irrelevant to what happened to Northern Rock.───因此,关于央行为市场输送的流动性规模过小的广泛批评,与北岩的困境无关。
Whether Deirdre McClosky was born a true gender-dysphoriac or just acted out a strong Teiresias Syndrome seems to me irrelevant.───无论DeirdreMcClosky是不是生来就真的性别焦虑,或者只是用行动把强烈的提瑞西阿斯综合症表现了出来,对我而言似乎都不相干。