hurtful remarks
重话───hurtful remarks
There is no need to make such hurtful remarks.───发表这种伤害感情的评论完全没有必要。
There's no need to make such hurtful remarks.───在那里没有需要作如此造成损害的评论。
People may be spreading their negative feelings simply by frowning or making other unpleasant facial expressions, making hurtful remarks or even adopting uninviting body postures.───人们通过简单的行为传播负面情绪,如皱眉或其他不友好的面部表情,做伤人的评价或更甚摆出讨厌的身体形态。
Instead you should try to rub the hurtful remarks from your mind , and stop the pointless agonising over whether you are in the right job .───相反,你应该努力将这些伤人的评语从脑海中抹去,别再让这份工作是否适合自己这种没有意义的问题折磨你。
I didn't want you said "there's no need to make such hurtful remarks, again. I don't have feeling discomfort. "───我不希望你在说那些让人伤心的话了,我不想有不安的感觉。
There is no need to make such hurtful remarks.
She made some very hurtful remarks.