Go to the party
He was arranging floral centrepieces in the banquet hall.───他正在宴会大厅摆放餐桌中央的装饰花束。
I'll order the Banquet.───我来组织宴会。
There's a banquet for you!───这是为你准备的宴会!
17At the time of the banquet he sent his servant to tell those who had been invited, 'Come, for everything is now ready. '───到了坐席的时候,打发仆人去对所请的人说:‘请来吧!样样都齐备了。’
International meetings began to sound like a pledge banquet with a pass-around microphone.───国际会议开始象在宴会上传送麦克风举杯祝酒那样发出了声音。
While they were still talking with him, the king's eunuchs arrived and hurried Haman away to the banquet Esther had prepared.───他们还与哈曼说话的时候,王的太监来催哈曼快去赴以斯帖所预备的筵席。
He celebrated his birthday with a banquet.
The meal that followed was a veritable banquet.
At the banquet we chin - chinned and tried to look cheerful.
Everything you cook for me is a banquet.
I remember him at a banquet on that night.