face each other across the river
Set head pressure, split flow, and septum purge flow to appropriate levels.───设置相应的柱头压 、 分流比 、 隔垫吹扫.
Objective To develop an effective, simple and convenient fix method after submucous resection of the septum.───目的探讨鼻中隔粘膜下切除术后有效 、 简便的鼻中隔固定方法.
objective is to explore the feasibility of CT-guided puncture and cystoperitoneal shunt in the treatment of septum pellucidum cysts.───目的是探讨 CT 引导下穿刺和膀胱腹膜分流术治疗隔膜透明囊肿的可行性。
AIM To the effects of pacing right ventricular septum and in right ventricular apex.───目的了解右室流出道间隔部起搏和右室心尖部起搏参数的差异及对心功能的影响.
Objective: To prevent theperforation of nasal septum due to button battery lodging in nose.───目的: 探讨预防鼻腔扣式电池异物并发鼻中隔穿孔的方法.
About % of VSD's are in the membranous and 10 % in the muscular septum.───大约%的室间隔缺损发生在膜10%的发生在肌部.
A mong those factors anomaly of uncinate process, middle turbinate and nasal septum were more important.───钩突 、 中鼻甲及鼻中隔的解剖结构变异为主要的影响因素.
The junction between the septum and upper lateral cartilage is normally 10 to 15 degrees.───鼻中隔与上外侧软骨连接处通常为10到15度.