Far reaching impact
The far-reaching world of the moor itself looked softly blue instead of gloomy purple-black or awful dreary gray.───广袤无垠的沼地本身看上去是柔和的蓝色,而不是阴沉的紫黑或可怕的无生气的灰色。
The economy is in danger of collapse unless far-reaching reforms are implemented.───除非实施影响深远的改革,否则经济就有崩溃的危险。
Soon came a new development that had far reaching effects.───不久有了一个新的发展,产生了深远的影响.
Diplomats meeting in Chile have laid the groundwork for far-reaching environmental regulations.───在智利会晤的外交官们已经为长远的环境保护规则奠定了基础。
These countries need to carry out far-reaching reforms to modernize their economies.