Fake tiger
假虎───Fake tiger
But where are any faults to be found? -- of course not. So those swines come to fake-tiger fighters' blogs looking for clerical errors.───不过又有什么不是可找的呢?当然没有。因此挺虎猪们就只好在打虎博客挑起字眼儿来了。
Ha, ha, fake-tiger swine, with only a few goes I beat your pants off, and you are still recalcitrant!───呵呵,挺虎猪,老子几棍子就把你屎都打出来了,你他妈还犟呢!
And therefore, those fake-tiger swines hate fake-tiger fighters' guts.───因此挺虎猪们对打虎人恨之入骨。