Error number
A minimal error or deviation may result in wide divergence.───失之毫厘,谬以千里.
His error stems from selfishness.───他犯错误的病根在于私心太重.
It was a diabolical error, a schoolboy error.───那是个十分低级的错误,一个小学生才会犯的错误。
The accident was caused by human error.───这一事故是人为错误造成的.
His error is of a serious nature.───他的错误情节严重.
Vicenzo failed to spot the error.───佐没能发现这个错误。
Landing in bad weather is a tricky task for any pilot, even the smallest error can lead to disaster.───在恶劣天气的条件下着陆对于任何飞行员都是一项危险的工作, 甚至极小的差错都可能酿成一场灾难.
It was a diabolical error, a schoolboy error.───那是个糟糕透顶的错误,一个小学生才会犯的错误。
The government has said it was an inadvertent error.
There's an error in your calculation.
NASA discovered a mathematical error in its calculations.
This was a very regrettable error.
Custom without reason is but ancient error.