He is always willing and eager to do extra work.───他对分外的工作总是抢着干.
Haig was desperately eager for an affirmative answer.───黑格非常渴望得到一个肯定的回答。
He was eager to get into politics.───他渴望进入政界。
They are eager to stabilize currencies.───他们急于稳定货币.
Parliamentarians were eager to turn over responsibility for the decision.───经验老到的议员急于把作决策的责任推卸给他人。
Young people are most eager to learn.───青年人最肯学习.
Robert was eager to talk about life in the Army.───罗伯特渴望谈论军旅生活。
Your father is still in his prime ; why should he be so eager to retire?───尊大人精神正旺, 何以就这般急流勇退?