Oppression and exile are their daily bread.───压迫、流放是他的家常便饭.
He spent many years in exile.───他曾经流亡多年.
He is living in exile on the small island for some political reason.───他因为某种政治原因在小岛上过着流亡生活.
He was vilified, hounded, and forced into exile by the FBI.───他遭到了联邦调查局的诬蔑和追捕,被迫流亡国外。
During his exile, he also began writing books.───在流放期间,他也开始写书。
The capital will be captured soon, so the emperor has to go into exile.───首都马上就要失守了, 皇帝只能蒙尘出逃了.
Attempting to imprison, exile or execute an important character runs the risk of a civil war.───企图监禁, 流放或处死一个重要地人物会导致内战地风险.
Life exile in Europe might suit the prince , who would not want for money or diversions.───流亡欧洲的生活可能适合王储, 因为他既不缺钱、也不缺消遣方式.