Exhibition period
展期───Exhibition period
Some exhibitors in the exhibition period project, so we must work overtime.───有的参展商在布展期间要求增加项目,这样就要加班。
Thus, there will be artists'talks and workshops during the exhibition period.───因此, 展览期间会举办艺术家讲座和工作坊.
For hosted buyers - it is a requirement to fulfill a specified numbers of appointments over the exhibition period.───对于被邀请的买家而言—要求在展期内完成特定数目的洽谈。
We can also offer coffee machines for renting service during exhibition period.───本公司同时提供各类展会期间咖啡机的租借服务,详情欢迎来电垂询.
famous designers from home and aboard will be invited to the exhibition site for some promotion activities during the exhibition period.───展览期间,邀请境内外著名设计家赴现场举办相关活动。
Every exhibitor should make certain that all shipments are covered by a full comprehensive policy from the time of dispatch from work to Beijing and return (including exhibition period).
Macao IMPI Expo" offers qualified buyers in global mining and investment circles free hotel accomodation during the exhibition period."