Do you know many animals
Animal rights advocates argue that zoos are really animal prisons and very often cruel.───动物权利保护者指出动物园实际上是动物的牢笼,经常很残酷地对待动物。
Each animal has its ecological niche.───每种动物都有自己的生态位.
We were amused to see how assiduously the animal groomed its fur.───看着这只动物如此认真地梳理自己的毛,我们被逗乐了。
He was still sitting huddled like a cornered animal.───他还像一头困兽一样蜷缩着坐在那儿。
There are a lot of animal parks in South Africa.───在南非有许多野生动物园.
It may be safely assumed that there is no animal life on Mars.───可以有把握地认为火星上是没有动物生命的.
There was no doubting the animal magnetism of the man.───毫无疑问,这个男人身上透着一种野性魅力。
The animal retracted into its shell.───这只动物缩回到自己的壳里。