Cause makes market
The purpose of this information is to trigger one's personal ancestral karma for forgiveness and transmutation.───该信息的目的,是来触发你个人的祖先业力以原谅和转化.
Those born in poverty are settling poverty karma.───那些生来贫穷者正在解决贫穷业力.
I also intend to release all karma for warfare and the construction of nuclear weaponry.───我也意愿解除核武器制造与战争的所有业力.
What is good karma?───什么叫做福业?
And the earthquake and all this stuff happened, and then I thought, is that karma?───现在发生了地震等这些事情, 于是我想, 这难道是报应 么 ?
I intend to return all karma that is not my own unto its source of origins.───我意愿将所有非我自己的业力,返还到起源地.
The Buddhists call this Karma.───佛教徒称之为因果报应。
Well, the human species is transcending karma.───嗯, 人类正在超越业力.