local carnival every year.───当地每年都举行狂欢节。
It is one moment when artists are judged instead of all being lumped together in a merry carnival.───这是一个艺术家被评判,而不是所有人聚集狂欢的时刻。
The carnival parade was a magnificent spectacle.───狂欢节游行场面热烈,蔚为大观。
He's good at dressing shop windows but he really had to put his thinking cap on when they asked him for an idea for a carnival float.───他擅长布置橱窗,但他们向他征求狂欢节彩车时的意见时,他实在得好好考虑一下。
If it's hard to know where the Britney carnival is headed, at least for now there's a glint of self-consciousness to go with all her antics.───如果这是你很难知道那里布兰妮嘉年华为首的是,至少在目前有一个闪烁的自我意识去与她所有滑稽的动作。
The Carnival takes place each year at the beginning of Lent, when Rio comes alive with colour, rhythm and a sense of theatre.───狂欢节每年都会在大斋节的开始时举行,届时里约热内卢人穿着盛装,涂上色彩载歌载舞。
I got some good shots of the carnival.