It will be apparent on a moment's consideration.───稍加思考,这个问题就清楚了.
John never showed any consideration for his mother's feeling.───约翰从来都不体谅他母亲的感情.
We should always take the interests of the country into consideration.───应该处处替国家设想.
The suggestion merits serious consideration.───该建议值得认真考虑.
We will never accomodate ourselves to acts of aggression and intervention out of consideration for our relations with the power in question.───我们决不会因为考虑国家关系而对侵略和干涉行为姑息迁就.
Place health above every other consideration.───把健康置于其他所有需要考虑的事情之上.
This consideration was not unimportant.───这项考虑并非无关紧要。
We shall give your request our fullest consideration.───我们会认真考虑你的请求.