The idea of a "civilian" depends on an association between innocence and the non-combatant.───平民的概念是取决于无辜和非参战的结合。
an alpine ridge deep in the Waddington Range on Mount Combatant, Coastal Range in British Columbia, Canada.───加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚海岸山脉战斗山,康拉德·安加横穿沃丁顿山脊深处一座高山山脊。
Any video footage of the attack will be closely scrutinised to see whether he was a combatant, rather than a prisoner.───任何袭击的视频镜头将会被严格仔细检查来确定他是一个战斗者还是囚犯。
"We'd have to ask if he really wanted Diary of a Combatant published, " she said.───“我们无从知道他是否真的愿意《一名战士的日记》得以出版。”马尔奇表示。
That's one reason Amazon is in the best position to turn the tablet battle into a two combatant war.───这就是亚马逊能够处于绝佳的位置将平板电脑之战转换成两个对手间的战斗的原因之一。