Comb bath
栉沐───Comb bath
Brush or comb your hair, brush your teeth, take a bath or shower every day, put on some makeup, get rid of those old nasty sweats and put on an outfit that shows that you care about your appearance.───你的头发,刷亮你的牙齿,每天洗一次澡或者淋浴一次,使用化妆品修饰自己,扔掉那些脏旧的毛衣,展示你的形象,告诉大家你在意你的外表。
Not in clumps, but Inoticed more hairs than usual in my comb and in the bath drain.───不是一把一把地掉,但是我发现梳子上和浴缸排水口边的头发越来越多了。
Not in clumps, but I noticed more hairs than usual in my comb and the bath drain.───不是一把一把地掉,但是我发现梳子上和浴室排水口边的头发比往常多了。