Cigarette brand
The gambler sponged a cigarette from the man sitting next to him.───那个赌徒向坐在他旁边的人讨支烟抽.
A lighted cigarette burned a hole in his clothes.───点着的香烟在他衣服上烧了一个洞.
He singed his hair as he tried to light his cigarette.───他点烟时把头发给燎了。
Smoking is forbidden here. Please put your cigarette out.───这里禁止吸烟, 请将您的烟熄灭.
Winston is a brand of cigarette.───云斯顿是一种香烟品牌。
Richard lit another cigarette and puffed smoke towards the ceiling.───理查德又点了一支烟,朝着天花板喷云吐雾。
I tossed a cigarette to him.───我扔给他一支香烟.
Winston is a brand of cigarette.───“温斯顿”是一个香烟品牌。
A cigarette spark started the fire.
A dropped cigarette is being blamed for the fire.
I caught him smoking a cigarette.
A cigarette end glowed red in the darkness.
Could I bum a cigarette off you?