遵───abide by
You must abide by what you have said.───你说话要算数.
The agreement has been signed. Let's hope the two parties abide by it.───协议已经签订了,希望双方都能遵行.
In conclusion , a good citizen should abide by traffic regulations.───例︰总而言之赂好国民应该遵守交通规则.
Please abide by the rules of the theater. Take your seat according to your seat number.───请大家遵守剧场秩序, 按号入坐.
We are not free agents; we abide by the decisions of our president.───我们不是自由不需负责任的人;我们遵守总统的决定。
Shops that aBide By the law must Be fair in Buying and selling.───守法商店,公平交易.
You'll have to abide by the referee's decision.───你得遵从裁判的决定.
I agree to abide by the terms and conditions of booking policy.───本人同意遵守有关申请报名的条例及条款.
Technology companies say they have no choice but to abide by local laws and restrictions.───这些科技公司说,它们别无选择,只能遵守当地法律和相关约束性规定.
They have got to abide by the rules.───他们必须要遵守规定。