In its ZiXu, he said that he was "an ascetic" reincarnation, this invention, although it is but he has really very bitter.───在其自序中,他自称是“苦行僧”转世,这虽说是杜撰,但他的一生确实很苦。
But GouJian of caution, making the prince gradually relaxed vigilance, wu zixu renounce also all the ear side by him as the wind.───但勾践的谨慎行事,使得吴王渐渐地放松了警惕,伍子胥的所有谏言也被他当作耳旁之风。
Wu Zixu not expected, shortly after his death, took the opportunity to give Bing Fa Yue Gou Wu Wu capital would be surrounded.───不出伍子胥所料,他去世后不久,越国勾践乘机举兵伐吴,将吴国都城团团围住。