You are lazy
I admit to being congenitally lazy.───我承认我天生懒惰。
We spent a lazy day on the beach.───我们在海滩上懒洋洋地度过了一天。
Look how lazy we've become.───瞧我们变得有多懒。
I am a little busy this week, and a little lazy. The blog has not been renewed for a week.───这一周稍微忙些,另外也是自己比较懒惰,没有更新博客。
She went out in the dark to the woodpile. She picked up the top bundle of the lazy man's green wood.───天未亮她出门去柴堆,拾起了那捆由那个懒人采集的新鲜树枝。
Lazy, is perhaps the common problem, and the lazy habit of me, it was often slow down the pace, nothing has no effect.───懒散,也许是人的通病,而习惯懒散的我,被它拖慢脚步,任何事情都变得没有效果。