year one
公元───Ad;元年───The first year
I spoke from the pulpit ad lib.───我在讲坛上做了即兴发言。
He's good at ad-libbing his way out of trouble.───他善于为自己妙语解围。
He is rather disjointed when he ad-libs.───他即兴表演时,有些语无伦次。
David has had 12 replies to his ad.───戴维的广告已经有12条回复了。
The cathedral was destroyed by the Great Fire of 1136 AD.───大教堂在公元1136年的大火中被付之一炬。
He began comically ad-libbing a script.───他即兴调侃起了一段剧本。
The speech was full of ad libs.───讲话中满是即兴之词。
In one ad the viewer scarcely sees the car's exterior.───在一则广告中,观众几乎看不到汽车的外观。