yuan dynasty
元朝───yuan dynasty
And Guan Hanqing, Zheng Guangzu , White Park, said all four Yuan Dynasty.───与关汉卿 、 郑光祖 、 白朴称元曲四大家.
The Yuan Dynasty established its capital in Dadu, now Beijing.───元代建都于大都, 即今之北京.
The calligraphy of the Yuan Dynasty developed its own system.───摘要元代书法自成体系.
Worship of Mazu reached its acme in the Yuan dynasty.───对妈祖的信仰和崇拜,到元代臻于极盛.
With the demise of the Yuan Dynasty, Suzhou became a gathering place for Chinese intellectuals.───自元朝以后, 江南苏州一带,成为文人荟萃之地.
The correlative data also indicates that the production of distilling liquor started before Yuan Dynasty.───据相关资料表明,在我国元朝以前就有蒸馏酒生产.
Yuan dynasty, Hou was born in Gansu significant Lintan.───元朝末年, 侯显出生在今甘肃临潭县.
the Forbidden City was situated on the Imperial City during the Mongol Yuan Dynasty.───紫禁城原本位于蒙元时期的都城。