Yanyu proudly compared himself with Miaoxi. Actually he admitted the connection between his theor...───严羽以诗界的妙喜自许,实际上承认了他的理论和南宋杨歧派闽僧的关系。
Xiezhen"s theory was more concrete and subtle than Yanyu"s because his theory came out from the ancient works.───谢榛的诗法相对于严羽,趋于具体、精微化,更多结合了古人作品来谈。
of Canglang》which was written by Song Dynasty's poem critic Yanyu is a strong theory and complete system work .───宋代文学批评家严羽创作的《沧浪诗话》,是宋代诗话史上最富理论性、体制最完备的一部著作。
Dr. Zhou Yanyu, associate director of the institute, said that the Confucius Institute serves as a bridge to connect the East and the West.───佩斯大学孔子学院副院长周艳玉博士说,孔子学院已成为连接东西方文化的一座桥梁。
WanSongLing (AD in hangzhou city) and hope, a west lake, feng chooses LouTai YanYu, purple cui, beautiful beautiful.───登万松岭(在杭州城外)而望西湖,一片空明,千峰紫翠,楼台烟雨,绮丽清幽。
I am confident Yanyu is a clever girl , what she needs is a good guidance .───我相信严宇是个聪明的女孩,她所需要的只是正确的引导。
Yanyu had shown the mature elegant demeanour of a poem critic for us with his fearless spirit, fair-minded comment and uncommon opinions.