Because itself is appears, when the man who zhanshi is shiing, XiangShu appear and appear is Tao.───因为道本身乃是显现,占筮者占筮,象、数的显现,即是道。
It presents merely is likely "XiangShu" beside, likely "XiangShu" certainly not a ready-made Tao existence.───它呈现出来的仅仅是象数,象数之外并没有一个现成的“道”的存在。
Based on the idea of "Tao-in-shu" , "XiangShu" and "YiLi" is friendly passes through.───依据“道在术中”的观念,象数与义理是融贯的。
However "XiangShu" is the way that Tao appears.───然“行之谓道”,象数乃是道之呈现。
Poems of the first period were indited in SouthSong Palace, Poems of the second period were indited from Dadu to return to south, Poems of the third period were indited in Xiangshu experience.