Chinese archaeologists found several 5500-year old silk rags in the Qingtai Relic of Xingyang City, Henan Province, in 1998.───中国考古学家在1998年河南荥阳青台遗址的一次考古中,发现了距今约5500年的丝绸碎片。
In Xingyang, he composed his representative works Han Jin Chun Qiu, which was a famous annals for its unique orthodox history viewpoint that denied the authority of the Wei Dynasty.───在郡期间,他撰写了其代表作《汉晋春秋》,该书由于提出了晋承汉统的独特正统史观而名垂史册。
Maojian, a famous special tea from China, may give you the charm of its fragrance and color, with idyllic scenery in one cup of it, too wonderful for words.───中国名茶信阳毛尖是一种特殊的工艺品,你可以一边闻香品味,一边察颜观色,融诗情画意于一杯,妙不可言。
Clinical and Experimental Effects of Xingyang Pills on Impotence with Retention of Dampness Due to Kidney Deficiency───兴阳丸治疗肾虚湿阻型阳痿的临床与实验研究
A Study of Xingyang-Shangjie Integration Developing Strategy───荥阳-上街一体化发展战略研究