Work hard
Most people strive for wealth.───人们大都追求财富.
Strive to create a specialized and international clients the special features of membership agency shop supplies.───力求打造成为一个面向国内外专门客户的特殊功能用品的会员制代理商城.
Strive for progress, not perfection.───力争进步, 勿求完美.
We strive to have you verified and approved withing 48 hrs.───我们尽力让你在48小时内被核实并批准.
How shall we strive for final victory?───怎样争取最后胜利?
The author of the paper argues that journalists should strive for unification of both.───对新闻的客观性与合目的性分别提出了一些自己的看法.
Don't strive merely for quantity of production.───在生产中不要单纯地追求数量.
I value individuality, and strive to meet the needs of each student.───我很注重教学的个性化, 力求满足不同学生的不同需求.