Walk and pull
踱拉───Walk and pull
could crawl with your stomach off the ground easily, and you liked to pull yourself up and stand. You liked to walk with help.───爬行对于你来说越来越简单,你轻轻松松就能将肚子撑离地面,快速前进。你喜欢自己抓着东西练习站立,喜欢我们扶着你练习步行。
I'll walk through the basic components of a package, what you need to create your own packages, and finally how to pull it all together to create a package.───我将完整地介绍软件包的基本组件,创建自己的软件包所需的东西以及如何将它们组合在一起来创建一个软件包。
Take a walk, a run, or pull out the bike - in addition to being healthy, it feels great to get outside and be active.───步行、跑步或推出自行车——这样做除了会让你健康外,出去活动的感觉也是棒极了。