He could easily vault the wall.───他可以轻而易举地跃过这堵墙。
She leaned against the wall.───她倚靠着墙。
The boys climbed over the wall.───那些男孩翻过了那堵墙。
And the children are surrounded with Chinese characters on everything from the name cards on their desks to the drawing of a fish on a wall.───这些孩子周边到处都是汉字,从他们桌上的名片,到?上画的鱼。
The helicopter, Riaz says, had fallen out of the sky and plunged onto the compound, damaging at least a boundary wall.───Riaz说,有一架直升飞机从天上掉下来,一头栽进了院子里面,毁坏了至少一面外墙。
He climbed up on my knees and I said, "Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. "───他爬上我的双膝,我嘴里念念有词:“汉普蒂邓普蒂坐在墙上,汉普蒂邓普蒂摔在地上!”