Vast forests
Put extra sparkle and profit in your affiliate marketing Dating with this companion blockbuster.───提出额外的火花和利润在您的联属网络营销与此配套重磅炸弹.
Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda another bite out of sequel to the 2008 summer blockbuster.───凯莉 、 萨曼莎 、 夏洛特、米兰达四人继2008年夏天后再次向观众展示各自酸甜苦辣的纽约生活.
Hollywood seems to have exported the blockbuster model, too.───好莱坞似乎也有出口大片的模式.
His first leading role in a blockbuster movie was in 1983's Risky Business.───汤姆·克鲁斯领衔主演了1983年的危险任务>.一举成名.
It's a typical Hollywood blockbuster.───这是部很典型的好莱坞大片.
Pearl Harbor was supposed to be a blockbuster but no one went to see it!───《珍珠港》应该成为一部大片,但是没有人去看!
Nintendo and Sony need more blockbuster games.───任天堂与索尼需要更多重磅游戏。
William stars as Peter in the blockbuster The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.───威廉姆在耗资巨大风靡一时的《狮子 、 女巫和魔衣橱》中饰演彼得.
Our new film will be a real blockbuster.
This restaurant has all the makings of a blockbuster.
Blockbuster Inc's parent company, Viacom Inc, owns mount Pictures.
Schuster publishers and the Blockbuster video store chain.
Blockbuster movies hit town like tidal waves.