upper caste
士君子───upper caste
Upper caste Yuuzhan Vong derisively called her the "Many Eyed Mother of Snivelers", though this was rare, and even then they were cautious about it—even a goddess of outcasts was still a goddess.───种姓的遇战疯人轻蔑地把她称为“哭泣者的千眼母亲“,不过很少有人这么做,而且就算这么做了,他们也是小心翼翼——即是是被放逐者的女神也仍然是一位女神。
Geonosian society exists for the benefit of the few in the upper caste.───吉奥诺·西斯的社会只为少数上层社会成员的利益而存在。
In the Indian state of Bihar the Ranveer Sena, an upper-caste private army, even killed to stay there.───在印度的比哈尔邦,一个叫做RanveerSena的声种姓私人军队为保持自己的地位甚至不惜任何手段。
She retorts, with some justification, that upper-caste Indian leaders, such as the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty, have parks and museums aplenty.───对此,她反驳道,印度高种姓领导人,如尼赫鲁·甘地家族(theNehru-Gandhidynasty)拥有众多公园和博物馆。这说法不无道理。