The idea was unworthy of you beyond description.───你那种想法没出息到家了.
We must never be unworthy of our teachers'untiring and sincere teachings.───我们决不要辜负老师的谆谆教导.
They are my unworthy descendants.───他们是我的不肖子孙.
Such a remark is unworthy of notice.───这样的话不值得注意.
He is unworthy of acting as your deputy.───他不配当你的代理人.
I am unworthy of such an honour.───我不配获得这样的荣誉.
A person who cheats is an unworthy winner.───以欺诈手段取胜的人不配做胜利者.
Elder Watcher: Turn back! are unworthy to bask in the bear gods'presence!───年长的守护者: 退回去! 你们没有资格面见熊神!
Unworthy buildings should be demolished to make room for modern construction.