It would be unwise to buy the house before having it appraised.───买房子不事先估价是不明智的.
be unwise to expect too much.───期望太多是不明智的。
The singer was unwise to choose songs which lay beyond his ability.───这位歌手不明智,选了一些他唱不好的歌曲.
Whatever you do, priorities should be set because it is unwise all at once.───无论做什么事情都应该有个轻重缓急,因为眉毛胡子一把抓是不明智的.
It was a very unwise move.───这样做非常失策.
It would be unwise for the government to think of privatisation as a means of saving money.───政府要是把私有化当作省钱之道就不明智了。
I was hurried into making an unwise decision.───我在催逼之下草率地做出了不智的决定.
It was unwise to suggest that others should store tinned food.───建议别人储存罐头食品是不明智的.
Marshall has an unwise sexual relationship with other girls before he met Jessica.