Implicit reference points need be made explicit.───隐含的数据必须明朗化?明确指出参考数据的性质.
A soldier must give implicit obedience to his officers.───士兵必须绝对服从他的长官.
He had implicit faith in the noble intentions of the Emperor.
Branagh says that it was his intention to make explicit in the film what was only implicit in the play.───布莱纳说他的用意是将剧本中的隐晦含意在电影中清晰明白地表现出来。
The oak is implicit in the acorn.───橡树孕育于橡子之中.
There is a threat implicit in the way he looked.───他的目光中隐含着一种威胁.
It is implicit in our agreement that she will is a partner.───我们的协议中含有她将成为合夥人这一意思.
Some MKULTRA activities raise questions of legality implicit in the original charter.───一些MKULTRA的行动上升为在原始章程里,关于合法的暗示的问题.
When solving reliability problems of real structures limitfunction is generally implicit because of its unbelievable complexity.───在进行结构可靠性设计时,由于实际结构的复杂性,一般难以直接得到结果.
Her silence gave implicit consent.