Procrastination is stressful.───拖延是压力。
Like procrastination, depression involves a failure to act.───跟拖拉行为一样, 抑郁也关系着行动失败.
Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday.───拖延,是设法用上昨天的技巧.
I believe procrastination is born out of an excessive drive to perfectionism.───我相信拖沓就是由过度的完美主义驱动力孕育而生.
" Procrastination usually leads to more effort or poor quality of work. "───拖延 通常会导致付出更大的努力或不良的工作成果.
The occurrence of procrastination is correlated with many cognitive factors.───结论:拖沓的产生与许多认知因素有关.
Fighting an amorphous blob of work will only cause procrastination.───穷于应付工作的细枝末节只会引起拖拉.
But for now, travelers are finding that procrastination can save money.───但迄今为止, 旅行者仍然发现推迟预订可以省钱.