he's using a much longer sample than I did, so he's not going to get this tangency portfolio that I did.───他的样本跨度比我的要大多了,所以他得出的切线资产组合会和我的不同。
Although smooth, there is a characteristic "break line" of tangency denoting where the circle meets the line.───虽然平滑,但它存在着一个特点,就是圆弧和直线相接的地方会有一个曲率变化上的断裂。
Then finally, the final step is to find what is the tangency line that goes through the riskless rate.───最后,最终的步骤是找出一条,穿过无风险收益率的切线。
CAUTION: Tangency between cylinders occurs at the center plane of the cylinders only if the cylinders are of equal diameter .───仅当两个圆柱孔直径相等时,相切发生在圆柱中心平面。
tangency is controlled by the first two control points from a surface boundary , assuming that these points lie in one line.───相切是由曲面边界的最初两个控制点控制的(假设这些点在一条线上)。
Moon enters penumbra: Instant of first external tangency of Moon with the penumbra.───半影食始:月球刚刚和半影接触,这时肉眼觉察不到。
The tangency portfolio is the portfolio that one should hold.
In my diagram, I said that the tangency portfolio-- I estimated that the tangency portfolio is 9% oil, 27% stocks, and 64% bonds.
The combination in fact is the point of tangency of the value cost equivalent curve and that of the value profit.
Then everyone should be holding the tangency portfolio.
Tangency is controlled by the first two control points from a surface boundary, assuming that these points lie in one line.